Pray with Pauline

Itlob għal 9 ijiem ma' Pauline

Jekk ikollok tagħmel għażla importanti, biex turi xi tbatija speċjali, xi proġett tixtieq tibda? Pauline tista' tgħinek.
Tista' tirċievi kuljum għal 9 ijiem permezz ta' imejl parir spiritwali u proposta sempliċi fit-talb biex titlob l-interċessjoni tagħha.

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Int katekist, kap tal-parroċċa jew edukatur u tixtieq tanima serata ta’ talb iċċentrata fuq Pauline Jaricot? Niżżel l-indirizz tal-imejl tiegħek biex tirċievi proposta lesta għall-animazzjoni; kulma trid tagħmel hu li tipprintjaha!

L-indirizz eletroniku tiegħek

Naqbel li l-indirizz tiegħi jintuża mill-PMS (L-indirizz tiegħek qatt ma jiġi żvelat lil partijiet terzi.)

Qed nirreġistra

Prayer to ask for a grace through the intercession of Pauline

You came on earth so that people might have life and life in abundance. Pauline-Marie Jaricot devoted herself completely to this work of yours. She established the Propagation of the Faith for the many many people who do not know true Life and the Living Rosary for those who do not possess this Life in its abundance. Venerable Pauline Jaricot, you who consecrated your life to spreading the Kingdom of Christ in serving God and His people, intercede for us and may God deign to give us the grace that we humbly ask for.

Prayer for the beatification of Pauline Jaricot

You inspired Pauline-Marie Jaricot to found the Propagation of the Faith and the Living Rosary as well as live in total commitment for the world of workers. We beg you to hasten the day when the Church will be able to celebrate the holiness of her life. May her example draw very many Christians to spend their life centred on the gospel, so that the men and women of our time and all peoples will discover your infinite Love, shown in Jesus Christ Our Saviour, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever.

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